• In Atlantia and Aspi, we drop below 51% but remain. Conte: "From Benetton teasing Italians"
  • Recovery Fund, Conte: Critical aspects, Michel proposal to be overcome. Su Aspi: Paradoxical proposal
  • Autostrade: the government studies Aspi's proposal, for Bellanova "it is an infinite soap opera"
  • Autostrade, Aspi's proposal arrives to the government. But M5S brakes: "For us it remains no"


July 13, 2020 The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, launched at full speed on the Aspi issue, entrusts the reflections on the proposal presented by Autostrade per l'Italia to the press. Words that quickly bring the release of the revocation closer: "The truth is that Saturday a largely unsatisfactory, if not embarrassing, response came: anything but an acceptance of the government's requests. I will bring the issue of revocation to the Council of Ministers and we will decide collegially, but we are not available to grant further benefits. It would be really paradoxical if the State entered into a partnership with the Benettons, for the serious responsibilities accumulated by the management chosen and supported by the Benettons over the years until the collapse of Morandi and even after ".

Benetton: "Respect the institutions"
The Benetton family has always respected the institutions. This is what sources close to Ponzano Veneto report, underlining - in response to the words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in an interview on the Aspi theme - that the family did it today as in the past, when it was urged to enter various companies such as Alitalia, Autostrade or being privatized. 

Atlantia: "Let's stay in society"
"Atlantia has no intention of leaving Aspi, has recognized the errors and now wants to have the pride and patience to make up for it, even with other partners". In a double interview with the newspaper la Repubblica, the top management of Aspi, the CEOs of the holding company and the management company, Roberto Tomasi and Carlo Bertazzo, explain that "in order to reach an agreement and unblock this situation, Atlantia is willing to give up part of its option rights in the presence of a capital increase ". The CEO of Aspi points out: "It is not clear what the interest of the country would be in the event of a revocation. Investments for 7.5 billion already shipyard would be thrown away, the new dealer should start from scratch. The 7,000 employees would be risk and litigation would last for years. "

The huge costs of the revocation
A default of over 19 billion euros. This is the prediction of some financial analysts in case the withdrawal of the concession to Aspi was triggered and thus justifying the collapse of the Atlantia share on the Stock Exchange (the share remains heavily down (-14.59% to 11.44 euros). of revocation, the effect for Autostrade per l'Italia would be that of an immediate bankruptcy of the company. There would be no resources to repay nearly 10 billion of total debt. The impact would have an impact on Atlantia's 9 billion euro debt (which controls 88% of the capital of Autostrade per l'Italia and is the guarantor of approximately 5 billion of the subsidiary's debt.) The total amount of defaulted debt (over 19 billion) would have serious consequences on the European bond and banking markets given that most of the debt is represented by listed securities held by large international debt investors and large European financial institutions and the bond issue would also have serious problems tail (for 750 million) held by approximately 17,000 small Italian savers. A scenario that would create a single precedent, totally discouraging any new foreign investment in Italy.  

Revaluation of Kepler Cheuvreux
revoked The risk of a revocation of the concession of Autostrade per l'Italia by the Italian government is "overrated" considering the fact that "the procedure which aims to withdraw the Aspi concession has not yet started" and "would imply a long process with an uncertain outcome and a large (and difficult to sustain) disbursement "for the Treasury," up to 25 billion, gross of debt, penalties and penalties "charged to the concessionaire. This is what analysts of Kepler Cheuvreux say in a report, who advise to buy the Atlantia stock as a share with an inviting yield compared to cash flows. Toti's

: "the government speaks with the newspapers and not with the institutions"
"I wonder if there is a modest amount of modesty to continue shouting headlines without preparing anything - the governor underlines - if tomorrow those concessions will be withdrawn, I wonder if the government knows what it is talking about, who manages the network, because we have a safety plan that is paralyzing a territory, because the Infrastructure Security Agency promised 2 years ago has not started. If we continue to we will continue to stand in line on Ligurian motorways and this is no longer tolerable ".

Crippa: "Stop teasing"
"The state cannot become a partner of those who have saved on the maintenance of our highways for years, sharing profits, damaging the safety of citizens. A bridge has collapsed due to this superficiality and 43 people have died. I do not forget that it took days for the dealers to apologize and mourn the victims. " This is what the 5stelle group leader, Davide Crippa, says in a note.

Meloni: "Conditions that are appropriate to the public"
"I am in favor of revocation and I am to put the tender to tender, under different conditions, with stringent constraints for the contractors, obviously managing the Infrastructures. They are not for nationalization, they are for private management but under conditions which must be suitable for the public, they cannot be suitable only for private individuals ". The president of Fratelli d'Italia says it, Giorgia Meloni.

Mulé: "First indicate the route and then launch ultimatum"
"After two years of sensational lies, the government now launches ultimatum and makes a ferocious face on Autostrade. This is not how this dossier that affects all Italians is resolved. First the government indicates the route, then launch the ultimatums. " This was stated by Giorgio Mule ', a member of Forza Italia.

Let's change !: "Cdm useless, decision already taken"
"Reading the various interviews in the newspapers we ask ourselves what it is to do a council of ministers tomorrow if the decision on Autostrade is already taken". The deputies of Cambiamo con Toti, Stefano Benigni, Manuela Gagliardi, Claudio Pedrazzini, Alessandro Sorte and Giorgio Silli declare it in a note.

Gelmini: "Weird operation"
"On Autostrade the game is now entirely political, or rather ideological. The Prime Minister has decided to take on the role of the hard and pure grillino, and has taken a road with no escape routes. Aspi has proposed a plan to find an agreement with the government and avoid the legal battle for a possible revocation of the concession. The Prime Minister does not care, Conte demands the head of the Benettons ". This was stated by Mariastella Gelmini, group leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies. 

Della Vedova: "Do not nationalize"
"The nationalization of Autostrade is an ideological objective of the M5s, but it is not in the interest of Italians, motorists and taxpayers". This was stated by the secretary of Europe, Benedetto Della Vedova. 

Astorre: "With judgment and without prejudice"
"A story that arises from a crazy drama and that now must be evaluated with judgment or with priority only to the general public interest and not with the prejudice that would only hurt the common good". So the secretary of the Pd Lazio, Senator Bruno Astorre, member of the Public Works and Transport Commission of Palazzo Madama.

Marcucci: "Aspi proposal is a step forward"
"It seems to me that the latest proposal filed by Aspi is an undoubted step forward. The decision must be consistent with the public interest, and not guided by prejudices in one sense or the other , as I have also heard from Senator 5stelle Lezzi ". This was stated by the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate, Andrea Marcucci.