SUMMER RECIPES - Every Saturday and Sunday, Pierre Herbulot offers a simple, tasty and easy-to-make summer chef recipe. Today, the gariguette strawberry sorbet. 

Impossible to skip a hot summer day ... Only an ice cream or a sorbet can transport you from the sweltering heat of the south of France to the ice caps of the north pole in one bite. Everyone knows that. What many ignore, however, is that it is possible to make a strawberry sorbet from your kitchen in less than an hour and with no more equipment than a whisk, a pan, a blender and a freezer. The proof with the recipe of the best worker glacier in France David Wesmaël (based in Lille and Paris).

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© Pierre Herbulot / Europe 1

Ingredients for one liter of sorbet

  • 600 g Gariguette strawberries
  • 110 g caster sugar
  • 180 g water

The recipe steps

1. In a saucepan, heat the water and sugar until simmering and obtaining a syrup.

2. Let this syrup cool to around 40 ° c and pour over the strawberry pulp.

3. Mix where to go to the blender and glaze.

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4. If you have an ice machine, place the strawberry sorbet mixture in your machine and spin until the desired sorbet texture is obtained. If you don't have an ice machine, place the cold strawberry sorbet mixture in a salad bowl and place it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Mix with a whisk and return to the freezer.

5. By repeating this operation 4 to 5 times you will obtain a sorbet of the desired texture. Consume directly for optimal texture. (Conservation one week maximum)