Denouncing "the culture of rape En Marche", several thousand demonstrators protested, Friday July 10, in Paris and in several cities of France, against the presence in the government of Gérald Darmanin, accused of rape, and Eric Dupond-Moretti , very critical of the #MeToo movement. 

"Welcome to the ministry of rape", "Rapists in prison, not in the government", "An interior rapist, an accomplice to justice": the signs held up left no doubt about the indignation of the demonstrators, mostly women. 

"We are there to demand the resignation of a part of the government. When I learned of these appointments, I cried because I myself was the victim of rape, for myself as for all the victims, it was an insult, "said Anouck Lagarrige, a 22-year-old employee in the culture sector, present among the crowd gathered in front of the Toulouse courthouse 

"The presumption of innocence, it is easily brandished when it affects heterosexual white men, if tomorrow some of us were to admit to being accused of rape during a job interview, I doubt that he would have the job ", noted Alain Ranaivonjatovo, a 26-year-old employee who also demonstrated in Toulouse. 

"Shame! Shame!"

The demonstrators were about a thousand on the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, also at the call of the feminist collective #NousToutes. "The appointment of Darmanin is a spit in the mouth of all the victims," ​​said Nollaïg, a 24-year-old student. "This kind of gathering will wake people up."

While the protesters chanted "shame! Shame!" and sang "the great cause of the quinquennium and the Grenelle, it was blah", the feminist activist Caroline de Haas assured for her part: "We do not expect the resignation [of the government], we expect nothing more" .  

On the colonnade closing the access to the City Hall of Bordeaux, where the demonstrators were 600 according to the prefecture, a large black banner had been stretched, on which was written in fluorescent green "power", followed by a circle on a cross, the symbolic sign of the woman. 

Seven hundred people also demonstrated in Nantes according to the prefecture.  

In Lyon, where there were 500 according to the police, Fred, 54, "thought the government would pay attention to the requests concerning the budget that he could have put on the table for the rights of women", however, she regrets "This is not the case". 

In Grenoble, a black coffin, on which was inscribed "RIP the great cause of the quinquennium", gender equality, was symbolically placed around 6 p.m. in front of the entrance to the Palais de Justice.

With AFP 

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