Many tourists are applying to Dalarna now during the holidays, but far from everyone adheres to the guidelines that apply to prevent the spread of the corona virus, according to information from the visitor industry and municipalities in the county.

"The actors report that people are generally poor at following guidelines regarding, among other things, congestion," writes the County Administrative Board Dalarna in its latest report on the state of the county.

The weather determines where it gets crowded

The weather is said to control where it is crowded. The congestion increases on beaches on fine days and when the weather is worse there will be more visits to indoor activities.

Hotels in popular Tällberg have noticed the problem, but mean that there are always people who do not want to queue and that it is difficult to control.

- We cannot stand as police officers and guard all the time, says Anders Åkerblad, CEO of Åkerblad hotel.

Invites people to take responsibility

The bus company Dalatrafik states that travelers in the county do not seem to have adjusted their travel times - most of them take place during rush hour.

"Since the recommendations say that you should avoid traveling with public transport that you cannot book a seat on, you make the assessment that this recommendation is not complied with," the county administrative board writes.

The coronal state is still described as serious. Several municipalities report that healthcare is vulnerable due to holidays. The county administrative board now invites holidaymakers in Dalarna to take responsibility and follow the guidelines that exist, including staying home at the slightest symptoms of illness.

"Keep your distance!", Writes the county administrative board.