Regarding the suspicion that a friend bought by the US President Trump took the college entrance exam instead, his friend's wife stepped up and denied the suspicion.

Trump's friend, Joe Sherpiro's wife, Pam Schreiber, posted a video statement on Twitter and claimed that "the suspicion that Sirpyro took Trump's college entrance exam instead was not true."

"I know that Humphrey and President Trump met at the University of Pennsylvania for the first time," said Schreiber, who passed away in 1999. "It's not true that I've got to know each other after President Trump moved from Fordham University to Pennsylvania, so it's not true." Said.

"Several years ago, the same suspicion was raised and explained that it was not true," said Schreiber. "It is unfair to raise the suspicion again."

Schreiber is a professional tennis player and acts as a commentator for ESPN, a sports specialist, and Schreiber is also known as a friend of President Trump.

Earlier, Trump's nephew, Mary Trump, was controversial when it was reported that in a book ahead of publication, "Trump made a big case for his friend Sherphyro in order to enter the prestigious University of Pennsylvania instead of taking a college entrance exam."

In a statement, the White House refuted that Mary Trump's claim was false.