In Rennes, the Denise's Donuts boutique is a hit - 20 Minutes

  • The Denise's Donuts boutique in Rennes has enjoyed great success since its opening less than a year ago.
  • The owners have traveled extensively and wanted to offer English and American inspired pastries.
  • Denise was the grandmother of Anne-Hélène, the founder, and baked homemade cakes every Sunday.

Pink, green, yellow, multicolored nuggets and a sweet smell of pastry. In Rennes, the small Denise's Donuts boutique may be narrow, it is an ode to gluttony. Here, we don't bother with diversity. The donut is king and leaves very little room for competition, even if some bubble tea or cookie dough are trying to emerge. Donuts, the shop sells "about 300 a day," according to its founder Antoine Corbey. "But it is quite variable from day to day. When it's too hot, we sell less. ”

The one who created the boutique with his wife Anne-Hélène Marquet discovered the donut during his numerous stays abroad. When she worked in a coffee shop in Australia, the woman who became the mother of her two children introduced her to the taste of the donut. “In Canada, I used to drop by Krispy Kreme or Dunkin'Donuts every day before going to work. It was like a ritual. ” The gourmet then falls for the fondant of donuts made in America made by these behemoths with a holey donut. But in France, they are not found.

"It's not the same as a donut"

After having run a successful sushi bar for seven years, the traveling couple decided to open a grocery store inspired by the American and English model on rue Vasselot. It was there, under the Marlow and Son brand, that Antoine and Anne-Hélène tested their first homemade donut recipes. “We got help from pastry chefs because it was not our job at the start. It is not the same as a donut, it is less fatty because the frying is not the same ”.

Who sells these wonders?

- Madame Nyctalope (@ nyctalope_92) July 4, 2020

Seeing the rating of their holey donuts climb over the years, the couple decided to open their specialty store called Denise's Donuts in September. Denise? “It's the name of my wife's grandmother. Whenever we went to her house on Sunday, she made incredible cakes, fruit rolls to die for. She was always smiling, always positive ”. Anne-Hélène had promised herself to open a café in her name one day. Unfortunately, the Breton grandmother died just before it opened. But his first name remains and more and more people in Rennes know him. Gourmet tribute.


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"20 Minutes" tested!

Because we make the verification of our information a priority, the Rennes editorial office of "20 Minutes" bent to a tasting of several donuts from Denise. And we liked it! The fondant is pleasant and the scents tested pleased us. We recommend the peanut butter one or the blueberry one. A small flat on the price (between 2.50 and 2.90 euros) which may seem a bit excessive.

  • Video
  • 20 minutes video
  • Food
  • Shop
  • Pastry
  • Full fingers
  • Gastronomy
  • Reindeer