Over the past eleven years, the proportion of high school students who lose their study grants has increased consistently, and last year the proportion was 8.7 percent. Thus, the proportion has now fallen to 8 percent, which means a clear trend break.

According to the Central Student Aid Committee (CSN), the most important explanation for the decrease is the transition to distance education that followed the corona pandemic outbreak in March.

- This trend is confirmed with regard to the reported school. This is a trend break compared to previous years, says Peter Engberg, an analyst at CSN in a press release.

Gotland stands out

During the period April-June, 40 per cent fewer received the tuition subsidy, compared with the same period the previous academic year. In principle, the reduction in the proportion of educators is evident across the country.

The highest proportion of students who lost the study grant during the academic year 2019/2020 is in Gotland County with 12.6 percent, followed by Gävleborg. Dalarna County has the least proportion of schoolers.

- Developments regarding canceled student grants vary widely across the country. What stands out this year is Gävleborg's relatively large increase, says Peter Engberg.

The study allowance is SEK 1,250 per month. In addition, there are, for example, extra accommodation, for students studying in another place.