The hammock has a special advantage in summer sessions, whether in the outdoor gardens or on the balconies; It gives an atmosphere of joy and vitality, and is one of the favorite pieces of furniture for children, and its presence is an enjoyment for adults as well.

It is one of the wonderful pieces in the outdoor sessions, as it gives a feeling of fun and relaxation, and has become an important element in the world of decoration, and decorators are keen to choose it as an important aesthetic for the balcony, garden, or even inside the house.

The swing hammock gives you sleep and rest (pixels)

Hollywood movie swing

The summer of 2020 sees the return of the garden swing that appeared in Hollywood films during the era of the sixties and seventies of the last century, which allows enjoying a dreamy romantic atmosphere between flowers and plants, or in which the elderly people sit to enjoy the warm sunlight and restore memories of the beautiful time.

Interior designer Ghada Amhaz explains that the hammock never came out of the world of garden furniture, but it is more popular now than before, due to the presence of long periods at home during the crisis of Corona, and these classic models are among the most attractive exhibits in furniture exhibitions, where they line up Visitors in front of her in long rows to sit on, to have some relaxation during the exhibition tours.

Classic and modern designs

There are various and varied shapes and designs, including classic and modern, which are consistent with the style of decoration in the outdoor sessions, and they have many advantages, among them the shape appropriate to the open modern decoration, in addition to the multiplicity of colors, including brown, beige and red, and appropriate for all different tastes and needs. Below, the expert in decoration, Ghada, learned about a number of distinct designs of the hammock.

One-person swing appeared in different sizes and shapes to suit any area (the island)

One-person swing

Many hammock designs appeared in different sizes and shapes to suit any space, and the swing that accommodates one person and can be placed inside or outside the house thanks to its small design is one of the most important current designs, including the bamboo and wood swing, and it is one of the materials that suit external sessions thanks to its durability and carried by air and moisture factors And some upholstery and pillows can be used to make the place more comfortable.

Wooden swing

It is one of the most important designs known for its classic and modern designs as well, and it is based on curved wood or flowing shapes. This swing is in keeping with the outdoor garden sessions.

The simple traditional swing is nice and popular with adults and children (Al-Jazeera)

The traditional swing

It is a hammock of a simple traditional shape, and this shape has been popular for a long time, and its presence is nice and likable in adults and children.

Modern swing

It mainly depends on the metal, with its distinctive shapes and different colors.

The hammock is one of the park's most attractive elements, providing psychological comfort and calm (Al-Jazeera).

Lie down

The hammock equipped to lie down and relax is very suitable for taking a rest and sleeping during a nap.

Hammock swing

It is the swing that is suspended between two trees or two walls, and is used for relaxation and reading, and it is also the most popular among those who like to rest and sleep in the hammock.

Hammock swing is the most popular among relaxation and sleep lovers (Getty Images)

Swing swing

Swing restores the appearance of twisted seats during the 1960s, as well as the look of a swing for children. It looks simple, includes two metal bars and a simple seat made of teak slats.

Relaxation and psychological comfort

The interior expert Ghada advises the housewives not to hesitate to have a hammock, whether for the garden, the balcony, or indoors, as it gives you the most beautiful moments of psychological comfort and relaxation. Stressing that psychologists have stressed the importance of the swing in a person’s life, to the point that spending two hours of rest on a swing can make up for full sleep.