A parade in Quito for Labor Day, May 1, 2020. - Dolores Ochoa / AP / SIPA

Ecuador is in the middle of a political crisis. Foreign Minister José Valencia resigned on Wednesday, becoming the third person to leave President Lenin Moreno's government in two days. Officially, this resignation “stems from a completely personal reason. I have the impression, the feeling that I have already accomplished the duty that I had to accomplish at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "said the Minister.

Resignation of the Vice-President

But this departure comes the day after the announcement of those of the Secretary General for Communication Gustavo Isch and Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner. The latter did not specify the reasons for his resignation eight months before the general elections where some attribute to him the ambition to be a candidate. José Valencia, who was appointed minister in June 2018, said there was "no particular link" between his resignation and that of the vice-president.

No es una decisión fácil, lo más cómodo sería quedarme aquí, pero jamás he actuado en torno a mi comodidad, por eso hoy lo responsable es salir.
Gracias a todos ustedes por permitirme servirlos.

Video completo: https://t.co/RQdB4tvFb9 pic.twitter.com/3T6Msvhh8Y

- Otto Sonnenholzner (@ottosonnenh) July 7, 2020

A career diplomat having notably been Ecuador's ambassador to the Organization of American States, the Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated that he would return to the external services without specifying where. He recalled that among the challenges he had faced as a minister was the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who took refuge between 2012 and 2019 at the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden.

José Valencia also managed the wave of Venezuelan migrants fleeing the economic and political crisis in their country. Finally, he worked to strengthen diplomatic relations between his country and the United States.


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  • Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Minister
  • Political crisis
  • Ecuador
  • World