An internationally renowned academic journal "Nature" recently published a physical research paper "The Rise of Robot Researchers", saying that after the transformation of common robots on automobile assembly lines, they can work with scientists in chemical laboratories. The robot is connected to a machine learning algorithm and can choose what experiments to carry out given what hypotheses need to be tested.

  The corresponding author of the paper, Professor Andrew Cooper and colleagues at the University of Liverpool in the UK have recently developed a modified robot that can use the same standard analytical instruments as human chemists, which is equivalent to making researchers rather than instruments Become automated. Unlike many automated systems that can only dispense liquids, this robot can dispense solids and liquids with high accuracy and repeatability, expanding its practicality in materials research.

  Now, let's take a look at how this robot carried out experimental work!

  (Video author Dr. Benjamin Burger video provider Springer Nature Editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]