A policeman (illustration image). - ERIC BERACASSAT / SIPA

The reason for this attack is not yet known. The fact remains that in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, at 3 a.m., allée d'Orléans in Nantes, an individual received three stab wounds, without his vital prognosis being engaged, police said this Wednesday morning.

The attackers were drunk

The report of the attackers was released. So much so that the police quickly arrested the alleged attackers. One of them is arrested with a knife with traces of blood. The three individuals are drunk. One is controlled with not less than 2 grams in the blood, the other two did not wish to submit to the alcohol control. According to the police, the respondents, aged between 26 and 31, were placed in police custody. An investigation is underway.


Nantes: A man helps a young woman and receives a pavé in the face


Nantes: He receives several stabs in the street "for no particular reason"

  • News
  • Aggression
  • Police
  • Stab
  • Nantes