LDP “Childcare Leave Benefits” Proposal to raise the amount of benefits to 100% in real terms July 7 at 5:36

As a measure against the declining birthrate, the LDP has decided to recommend to the government that people who have taken childcare leave should be paid the same amount of benefits as the income before the leave.

The Liberal Democratic Party's work team has proposed a proposal to the government that the measures against declining birthrate need to be drastically strengthened.

Among them, the amount of "childcare leave benefits", which is currently 80% of the income before leave, should be raised to 100% so that the income of those who took childcare leave does not decrease. ..

In addition, we are requesting the addition of child allowances for the second and subsequent children, and the application of public medical insurance for infertility treatment.

The work team is proposing to make such a proposal to the government in the near future, and request that it be reflected in this year's "bone policy."