North Korea reiterated its stance that the United States Secretary of State Stephen Vaughn, the chief US negotiator for North Korea's nuclear talks, is not willing to hold a summit on the 7th.

North Korea's foreign affairs chief, Kwon Jeong-geun, said in a statement this day, saying, "Once again, we have no intention of sitting down with the American people."

Kwon said, “In relation to the “North America (North America) summit talks” that came up at a time when we were not in time, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a clear stance through discourse. "It was our position to convey as much as possible."

Earlier, North Korean Foreign Minister Choi Choi-hee, the counterpart of North Korea's North Korean counterpart, dismissed the resumption of negotiations in a talk on the 4th, saying, "There is no need to face the United States."

Kwon made clear his intention to refuse arbitration even if he targeted the South.

He said, "(CHOI Sun-hee, first vice-president) in the discourse, I also mentioned about the wide-mouthed person who revealed the intention to mediate the summit brain again without knowing the time." Nevertheless, whether the speech was dark or because I was only habituated to making good sound Even now, in the southern towns, there are still buzzing noises saying there is no change in their efforts to mediate the summit meeting."

"I can't even wash my nose and start worrying about washing my nose," he said. "I keep telling you when I keep talking like this.

He said, "If it's perfect to see you, but if you have a strong desire to become an'arbitrator' and it's so strong and try your best, try it." "You will know."

(yunhap news)