
06 July 2020From the duration of the antibodies to the mutations undergone, from the requirements of the vaccine to its origins, there are still many points to be clarified on the new coronavirus SarsCov2. The review is made by the magazine 'Nature', tracing on its website a six-month report of the Covid-19 epidemic, highlighting 5 issues still to be clarified.

One of the points is why people respond so differently to the virus. The Covid-19 international consortium 'Host Genetics Initiative' has managed to bring out the first genetic connections with the serious forms of Covid-19, more frequent in those who are carriers of some particular genetic mutations, including one found in the region of the genome that determines the blood group. However, these are mutations that have a modest role in the disease. Another point to resolve is how long immunity lasts from Covid. Virus neutralizing antibody levels have been shown to remain high for two weeks after infection, and then decline. It is not known what the level of these antibodies is necessary to avoid a new SarsCov2 infection or to reduce the symptoms with a new infection. 

Then there is the question of whether the virus has developed disturbing mutations. In particular, a mutation that emerged in February in Europe, and now present all over the world, which seems to make the virus more infectious in the laboratory, is not being discussed, but it is not clear what effect it has on the human being. And then the vaccine will work? Few human data suggest that vaccines against Covid-19 can induce the body to create powerful neutralizing antibodies, but it is not yet clear whether they are enough to stop new infections and how long they last. Finally the mystery on the origin of the virus. We agree on horseshoe bats as a starting point. For researchers, the virus may have passed through an intermediate host before spreading to humans like the pangolin. but without definitive results.