Paris (AFP)

The boss of the deputies LR Damien Abad mocked a government between "big recycling" and "reality TV", where "three-quarters were already ministers yesterday", by wondering about the capacity of the Prime Minister "to change course ", in an interview with Les Echos posted online on Monday.

"We were being told about the big mess, but it's more about recycling," said Abad, whose name had been the subject of rumors of a possible entry into government.

Mr. Abad, acknowledged "glances and indirect messages" but stressed his "loyalty" and his "loyalty" to his political family.

According to him, "a government is not a cast of media celebrities, it should be a coherent team serving the Nation".

While saying his "respect" for Jean Castex who has just left Les Républicains, and for his convictions, Mr. Abad wondered "about his ability to carry them within a majority with many deputies and ministers coming from the left ".

"We must change course to regain health sovereignty, economic sovereignty and put the value of work at the center of the political project. All of this has been damaged," added Mr. Abad, for whom "the right-wing electorate is waiting strong actions "in pension reform, lower taxes and criminal policy.

"My mission for the future of the right is in front of me, not behind," he said.

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