Mothers suffer from the boredom that afflicts children in the summer after the end of the charged school year during the crisis of the Coronavirus, and they end up sitting for long hours in front of screens and electronic devices.

We offer you a list of some of the favorite recreational activities for children, taking into account that they are cheap and possibly free, which do not financially burden the family, as well as taking the necessary precautions to protect against the virus.

1. Decorate bikes

Encourage your children to decorate their bikes with banners, colorful stickers and flags, then let them race and drive their bikes in safe and crowded streets to show off their creativity.

2. Feed the birds

In order to teach children the importance of preserving nature and animals, you must invite summer birds to your patio, place cereal dishes on the balcony wall of birds, and watch the arrival of birds by the balcony or window, your children will love this home adventure and will repeat it daily.

3. Chalk bombs

Fill the water balloons with washable chalk paint, its ingredients are a cup of water, two tablespoons of cornstarch and a few drops of food color, and make your child draw targets on the ground using chalk, preferably this game be carried out on the balcony or on the roof of the house.

4. Learn cooking skills

Teach your young children to cook, you just have to choose one of your favorite food items, and you will feel proud while eating the product from your child's hand, start with simple sandwiches or fruit salad, and your children will be happy to experiment without a doubt.

You can also ask your children to host you for a picnic for lunch in the backyard of the house or on the balcony, and your children will feel responsible towards their guest, and they will clean and arrange the place and tools, then ask for your favorite drink and delicious sandwiches, and do not mind helping the little chef in preparing meals Light.

5. Fishing trip

Fishing is a free summer activity for children, bring tools and plans for a fishing trip with the help of your husband, teach your child how to become a small fisherman with the right tools, and be sure to review the local laws on fishing, some of which may require a license.

6. Visit the pet park

Nothing arouses children's curiosity more than small animals, so if you are looking for free summer activity, go to your local pet store instead, taking all necessary precautions.

7. Decorate the rocks

When you start going out for a walk with your family, ask your kids to collect rocks and stones, and later they can paint them, and show the finished products around the house.

8. Make sticky clay

There is more than one way to make Slime that most children prefer. Pour a glass of water in a large mixing bowl, add a few drops of food color, and stir slowly in two cups of cornstarch (use a spoon at first, but you may In the end, you find it easier with your hands.) Children should form them in balls or let them fall from their fingers in a fun way.

It is also possible to prepare the gel clay in another way by mixing the liquid hand soap with a little powdered sugar, and leave it in a closed container for two days, and once the mixture holds together your children can play with it.

9. Home Business Competition

Teach your kids to take responsibility by running their spare time in slow summer times, and hold a competition to clean the house and collect canned goods and arrange them in the kitchen, and do not forget to reward them with a delicious cake or simple prizes.

10. Ice cream industry

Teach your child to make local ice cream with natural materials, just squeeze the fruits of different colors, put them in the freezer to freeze, and take them out to become "ice cream" rich in natural materials, and made by the child alone, and ice cream can be made with a mixture of yogurt (milk), honey and fruits.