Several central streets were kept closed, but there was still spontaneous cruising with several hundred cars elsewhere. Helen van Dijk's ACCS association usually organizes the official cruise on the Power Big Meet. Now that it has been canceled, there is still spontaneous cruising that the association does not support. But it still worked pretty well.

Late at night between Saturday and Sunday, some rioting occurred, but it was not caused by the enthusiasts who traveled here in Americans, but by "a slightly different clientele" as the police put it.

- The enthusiasts of Americans are not usually the ones who argue. It is rather a tail of others that shows up and can behave badly, says Helen van Dijk.

Thousands of cars usually show up at the annual Power Big Meet. When the event was canceled, it turned out that many still retained their bookings of accommodation in Lidköping. At least 300 cars have been in Lidköping this weekend.

- We closed off some critical areas in the city over the weekend, but otherwise we have tried to keep the city open and welcoming, says Anna Ohlin Ek, CEO of the municipal company Destination Läckö-Kinnekulle and co-ordinator.