Purita Calvo Bengtsson emphasizes that she does not lean towards any statistics about the development, but that in her work she feels that it has become more common for young people to film when they have sex.

- They may be together for a week or so. But what happens later? You do not know what will happen to the film in the future, she says.


The police have also observed that the elements of the porn world are common, which can be quite dangerous in some cases:

- We've had cases of strangulation sex. So far we have not had any deaths in the county, but it is very tragic if it were to come.

As a child interrogation leader, Purita Calvo Bengtsson comes into contact with children and adolescents when a sexual act has occurred on the wrong side of the law's framework.

In the clip you hear her tell me more about this.

She likes to see parents start talking to their children about the body and sex at a relatively early age.

Rape against children

Several cases she has dealt with have touched young people who have had sex where one is too young.

- It doesn't feel like everyone is aware of what applies. For example, if the girl is younger than 15 years and the guy is say 16 - 17 years, then you think it is okay just because the girl says yes. But it's not. One should be aware that it is counted as rape against children, since she is younger than 15, whether she said yes or not.