• Milan. Lite in condominium, kills the neighbor with stab wounds
  • He stabs his wife and attempts suicide in L'Aquila
  • Ancona. He kills his sick wife and commits suicide
  • Cesena. He stabs and kills his mother at home
  • Turin kills his wife with pistol shots. He tries to escape but is arrested


04 July 2020The ex-husband of her partner is shot and killed at the end of a dispute. It happened in the early hours of this morning in Mira, in the Venetian region. The Carabinieri of the Operational Unit and Radiomobile of the Company of Mestre and Tenenza di Mira arrested a 51-year-old man for the murder of a peer, ex-husband of the current mate.   

The military intervened in Oriago, where the explosion of some gunshots had been reported. On the spot, they found lying on the ground, reached by two shots, the corpse of the ex-husband of the arrested companion. The origins of the gesture, which occurred at the height of a heated dispute, would be attributable to sentimental reasons. The murderer was taken to prison in Venice.