• Child pornography on the web: three arrests and 14 suspects in Catania
  • Rome, operation against child pornography on the web: first seizure of cryptocurrency
  • Child pornography, 17 arrests and 92 complaints throughout Italy
  • Postal Police, the 2014 budget: child pornography alarm and online scams


14 December 2015 Sixty people have been arrested in an operation against child pornography in 10 Latin American countries, Spain and the United States. The federal government of Mexico says that the operation, called 'Operation without borders', has seen 97 blitzes in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, the United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Officials "saved" - explains a statement from the Mexican government - three 9, 14 and 15 year old girls "used" in pornographic videos, broadcast on the internet or spread via e-mail or social networks; computers and smartphones seized. The FBI also participated in the operation.