The head of a corrupt district in Quzhou "loved" his remarried wife, and it cost 60,000 yuan for a dress

  The family style of leading cadres is not a personal trifle or a private family matter, but an important manifestation of the style of leading cadres. Judging from the cases of discipline and law violations investigated and dealt with by Zhejiang Province in recent years, many leading cadres have been planted on "something at home".

  Surging reporters noted that the Party Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhejiang Province published the article "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision" magazine on July 2 published the article "Corrupt Heirloom Huijiuyuan Family Wrongful Misfortune". A typical case of family irregularities in Zhejiang Province was investigated and dealt with.

  The Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection took the case of Su Limian, the former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal People's Congress, as an example of Su Limian, a former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Ningbo Municipality, in the paragraph "Dropping as a love, spouse's children's breakthrough". However, with the promotion of positions and the growth of age, I began to pursue material enjoyment, relax my self-requirements, and damage my spouse and children.

  Su Limian wrote in his confession, "Whether my family does business, accepts gift cards, or even bribes, family members are more or less involved, especially when my son participates in it deeply. Receiving gift gifts, going abroad to study and receiving pocket money sponsored by the boss. After returning home, I did not learn how to run a business enterprise, but my bad habits were exposed to him." Su Limian, who is now in jail, admitted that he was only satisfied materially. The children are a kind of spoiled child. They don’t wear their mouths to teach their sons well, but they are greedy for pleasure, drinking wine, eating big meals, wearing famous brands, and collecting gambling money. Facts have repeatedly confirmed that if oneself is not right, it is very easy to produce the bitter wine of "the upper beam is not correct, the lower beam is crooked, and the lower beam is not straight."

  The family style of an ordinary family is not correct, which affects the continued development of the family; while the family style of leading cadre families directly affects the people's perception of the party and the government.

  The article also exemplifies the case of Fang Qingjian, the former district of Kecheng District, Quzhou City. Many cadres and people in Kecheng District of Quzhou City knew that Fang Qingjian, the former district governor, had "loved and responsive" to his remarried wife Xia. Xia used his power to reap the benefits. It's no secret locally. Please trust people to do what they like, and give gifts to high-end mall shopping cards, luxury brand clothing, greatly satisfying Xia's vanity. In a few years, Xia bought clothing and leather bags and other luxury goods worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, and the most expensive piece of clothing cost 60,000 yuan. It was verified that Fang Qingjian fully communicated with Xia Mou when receiving and receiving the property of others, and handed over the stolen money to Xia Mou for control and use, which had a boosting effect on Xia Mou's greed expansion.

  In the confession, Fang Qingjian said, "Because of my promotion, especially when I was a district governor, the weight of her speech was different, and things went smoothly. There were more people who said good things around her, her sense of superiority and vanity. My heart is stronger." It was this halo of the leading lady that made Xia lose her self. From a teacher who had received many honors, she became a slave of money and pushed her husband into the abyss of corruption.

  Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection commented: Su Limian and Fang Qingjian were once hard-working leaders with outstanding achievements and reused. They should pursue noble morals and behavioral ethics, but their defenses are wide open and their greed is inflated. future. Excessive spoiling of children and indulgence of family members will inevitably lead to Xiao Wall. Not only did Su and Fang set a good example for their spouses and children, they opened the door to convenience and allowed the "boss" and "friends" to hunt for relatives. They were lucky and self-paralyzed. After all, they lifted stones and smashed their feet.

  Surging News Chief Reporter Yue Huairang