As specified, the work of consultants will be divided into two areas. The first concerns “expert support in the field of constitutional and parliamentary reforms in accordance with the standards of the Venice Commission”.

The document notes that 70% of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine elected in 2019 are “completely new people who have no experience in lawmaking and need expert support from the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission”.

In this regard, the CE compiled a list of topics for potential consultants to work in this area. These included: preparation of recommendations on the development and adoption of new bills, analysis of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in accordance with international and European principles and standards, prevention of violation of the principles of democracy in the course of parliamentary activity.

The second area of ​​work under the European initiative concerns “expert support” in the field of reforming the electoral law in accordance with the standards of the Venice Commission.  

Among the topics proposed for this direction in the Council of Europe were the following: electoral systems in parliamentary elections and local authorities, the role of social networks and the Internet in the electoral process, Council of Europe (Venice Commission) standards and Ukrainian legislation.

Persons with higher education, relevant work experience, and fluent in Ukrainian and English can apply for participation in the competition.

Earlier it was reported about the plans of the Council of Europe to attract specialists for consultations on the issues of “democratic governance” in Ukraine.