Confirmed global infection 105.10 million dead 510,000 American university summary July 2 4:20

According to a summary by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus was 105,2,383 worldwide at 3:00 am on the 2nd of Japan time.
The number of people who died is 512,331.

Of these, the largest number of infected people was the
United States, which was 2,638,338,
followed by Brazil with 1,402,041,
Russia with 653,479,
India with 585,481, and the
United Kingdom with 314,991.

In addition, the number of people who died most is 127,485 in the
United States,
followed by 59,594 in Brazil, 43,991 in
England, 34,767 in
Italy, and 29,846 in