China News Service, July 1 (Xinhua). Recently, information such as "individual insurance does not cover many old-age pensions" and "payment of pensions in 5 years" has spread and attracted attention. In order to clarify the public's doubts and misunderstandings about the pension policy, the China Internet Joint Rumor Platform consulted the relevant departments of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to answer questions about the hot issues that netizens care about.

"Personal insurance" does not have "unit insurance" pension? What is the difference between the two?

  of course not. According to relevant national regulations, employers and individual employees should pay basic pension insurance premiums in full and on time in accordance with national regulations. The unit contribution rate of 16% shall be fully credited to the pooling fund, and the individual contribution rate of 8% shall be fully credited to individual accounts; flexible employees You can voluntarily participate in the insurance as an individual. You can choose the payment base between 60% and 300% of the average salary of the full-caliber urban unit employees in the previous year. The payment rate is 20%, of which 12% is credited to the overall fund and 8% credited personal account.

  Except for different payment rates and different methods for determining the payment base, flexible employees and unit employees receive the same treatment, and the time for paying basic pension insurance premiums on time and in full is calculated as the number of years of payment, which has been decoupled from the seniority policy. That is to say, under the same factors as the payment base and the payment period, the basic pensions received by flexible employees and unit employees after retirement are exactly the same.

How to calculate the basic pension retirement benefits of insured persons?

  Individuals participating in the basic old-age insurance, who have accumulatively paid for 15 years when they reach the legal retirement age, receive a basic pension on a monthly basis. The basic pension consists of a basic pension and a personal account pension.

  The monthly standard of basic pensions at retirement is based on the average of the average monthly wages of local employees in the previous year and the average monthly wages of my indexed monthly contributions, and the contributions are paid to 1% every 1 year; the monthly standard of personal account pensions is personal accounts The amount of storage is divided by the number of months of distribution, which is determined according to factors such as the average life expectancy of the urban population when the employees retire, their retirement age, and interest.

  For those who participate in work before the establishment of a unified basic old-age insurance personal account, the transitional pension will be issued on the basis of the basic pension and personal account pension, and the specific level will be determined by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities The principle of reasonable connection of treatment levels and the smooth transition of old and new policies are reasonably determined. At the same time, after retirement, the adjustment method of "combination of quota adjustment, linked adjustment and appropriate tilt" is adopted. The quota adjustment reflects fairness, and the linked adjustment reflects the incentive mechanism of long-term and long-term payment, and appropriate incentives for seniors and other retirees To embody key concerns.

The pension is divided into five grades? For example, if one person pays social security for 15 years, and one person pays social security for 18 years, if 15 years are divided into a grade, and 18 years are calculated according to 15 years, then why not pay for 3 years in vain?

  When retiring, the pension benefits are calculated according to the social insurance contribution period. There is no such thing as a “grade”, and there is no such thing as a “three years of unpaid contributions”. It should be emphasized here that the cumulative payment of over 15 years is the minimum condition for receiving basic pensions on a monthly basis. If the employee has income before working at the legal retirement, he should pay for the insurance according to the relevant national regulations. The payment level is directly related to the pension benefits. To put it simply, the longer the payment period, the higher the payment base, the more pensions you receive when you retire, that is, you can get more long-term payments and more.

If the employee voluntarily gives up social security, can the employer be exempted?

  According to relevant state regulations, employers and employees should participate in the basic pension insurance system and pay basic pension insurance premiums in full and on time. This is not only the legal rights of employers and employees, but also due obligations of employers and employees. Units will be exempted if they wish, otherwise they will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

  The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs reminds the majority of laborers that they must pay attention to the payment of social security.

  According to the current regulations, after reaching the statutory retirement age, the pension insurance has to be paid for a total of 15 years in order to receive pensions. The medical insurance can solve the basic medical reimbursement problem. Especially for female employees, maternity insurance is indispensable when it comes to maternity issues. For short-term workers, social security is equally important, because once unemployment or injury at work, social security can provide the necessary protection.