Shopping bag China made a charge about 10 years ago. Some people questioned the reduction effect due to low price. 6:38 on July 1st.

In China, plastic bags abandoned on the street became a problem called "white pollution" from the 2000s, and the Chinese government banned the production and use of plastic bags with a thickness of 0.025 mm or less from 2008. We made it mandatory to pay for plastic bags with the above thickness.

However, more than 10 years have passed since the introduction of the system, but the price of plastic shopping bags has been kept at a low value of 2 to 6 yen in Japan, so environmental groups and others have questioned the effect of reduction. There is also a voice to do.

In fact, when I talked to a shopper holding a shopping bag in Beijing, they said, "I don't know the price of the shopping bag," or "I don't really care whether or not it costs money."

Regarding this, Keika Son, an environmental group in Beijing that tackles the problem of garbage, said, "If the price of a shopping bag is doubled to the current level, consumers will consider it and the economic effect will be exerted. It will be necessary," he said.

In light of this situation, the Chinese authorities announced a new guideline for plastic waste in January this year, and banned the use of plastic bags by the end of the year in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.