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In the press this morning, this investigation by the Associated Press agency into Beijing's brutal birth control campaign in Xinjiang against the Uighur community and other minorities.

Based on Chinese government statistics, official documents and interviews with former female detainees, this survey shows that the Chinese state subjects women of these mainly Muslim minorities to pregnancy tests, forcing them to have sex. sterilize or abort - measures accompanied by threats of detention, say Associated Press journalists, who discovered that having "too many" children could be reason enough to be sent to a camp. If the Chinese authorities have not answered AP's questions, Beijing has explained in the past that these measures were fair, since they allow members of the majority Han community to have the same number of children as these minorities. Experts believe that these measures can be described as "demographic genocide".

Also in the press, the sixtieth anniversary today of the independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This anniversary, which takes place in the midst of a debate on the colonial past of Belgium, and in the wake of demonstrations against racism and police violence, is marked by a first: the regrets expressed by Philippe of Belgium for the "acts of violence" committed in Congo under his ancestor, Leopold II - whose statues have been vandalized in recent weeks, in the kingdom. Le Soir salutes a "necessary gesture, which makes the King and his country grow" - a gesture deemed all the more difficult as it is "in breach" with the attitude of King Baudoin, the uncle and the mentor of the King Philippe.

The colonial past is also increasingly contested in Senegal. According to La Croix , the demonstrations in the United States since the death of George Floyd have also "raised awareness and revived anti-colonialist claims" in the former French colony, where the debate focuses in particular on the resettlement or not of a statue of General Faidherbe in Saint-Louis, of which he was the governor. Some Senegalese are opposed to the work returning to its location, once its restoration is complete: “This symbol of domination, of alienation will end up in the river. We have our heroes to honor, ”warned blogger Thierno Dicko.

In France, President Macron announced yesterday that he would resume almost all of the measures proposed by the Citizens' Climate Convention. Liberation notes that this announcement comes "opportunely", in the aftermath of the Greens' victory in the municipal elections. photographed yesterday, in a cloud of green. For the rest, the newspaper, which also notes that Emmanuel Macron "evades" the most sensitive measures, such as the dividend tax, recalls that "officially, Macron was already green at his election, (that) the resignation of Nicolas Hulot has shown that it was a layer of superficial paint ", and said this time he expected" a clear color, which does not fade over the days ".

We do not leave each other on it. Courrier International reports on a trend spotted by The Daily Telegraph : the "sleep divorce", the sleep divorce - in other words, sleeping apart. An increasing trend since the Covid-19 epidemic, but not only, since a survey carried out before the start of the pandemic revealed that the "sleep divorced" were already twice as numerous as in 2010. This practice makes it possible to protect, among other things, against the snoring of the spouse or the inconveniences linked to staggered schedules ...

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