He died days ago at the age of more than 100 years, Al-Gouni Bishara Mustafa Al-Missiri, who hails from Darfur and is known for memorizing the Holy Qur’an with various accounts and handwriting dozens of Qurans, and he obtained the rank of “Al-Kouni” in Sudan, which is unique to the distinguished memorizers of the Qur’an.

Al-Masiri was known for his lack of words and asceticism, and he lived in a house in Al-Geneina city in Darfur near the Sudanese-Chadian border. Al-Gouni Bishara Al-Masiri was 90 years old when Al-Jazeera met him in 2006, while he was sitting in a modest shop in Al-Geneina Market at the time. He told the delegate of Al-Jazeera Net that he memorized the Qur’an in Nigeria and studied his knowledge until he reached the degree of Al-Kony.

Al-Masiri, in his nineties, was writing the Noble Qur’an with his hand, and the delegate of Al-Jazeera Net asked him about the traditions followed for the inauguration of al-Quni, so he said that Al-Hafiz should repeat the recitation of the Qur’an 20 times, and the last one would write it in his handwriting from his head, then he would be seated on a high table and announce to people that the man He reached the rank of Kony.

Al-Masiri stated at the time that he was still practicing writing the Qur’an manually, and that he had written 50 Qur’ans, but he does not sell them, but only gives them. He had 70 Konya graduated from his hand, and he is still studying the Noble Qur’an in a retreat that he stayed in his house. As for the number of the keepers who graduated on his hand and did not reach the degree of Kony, many do not know their number.

Al-Qanwa and their position

The "Qawwana" is the highest grade of the Holy Quran Memorizers (plural of Kony), and the name is taken from the "Brno" language known in Islamic history for their Islamic state in the region north of Chad, and means "rich man in the Qur'an".

Al-Quni is the man who memorizes the Qur’an with one of the approved narrations, and after that he is familiar with all the sciences of the Qur’an, especially knowing the number of his letters and similar verses and the abrogating and the abrogating and controlling the Qur’an, and he knows the number of mentioning a specific word in it, such as knowing, for example, how many times the word of Majesty is mentioned in the accusative, interlaced or raised. And know the beginnings of the parts and others.

Al-Hafez, who advances to the rank of Al-Quni, passes difficult tests from a number of Al-Qawwana in order to reach this degree. He also requires that the Qur’an write who memorized it and in his handwriting, then recite it in front of the al-Qawwah to prove the quality of its preservation. On it the Qur’an.

Darfur is the country of the Qur'an

Darfur became famous as the country of the Noble Qur’an, and this name did not come out of the blue. In its written and oral history, there are tales and narrations about the glorification and memorization of the Qur’an, the least of which is that the one who marries must be a keeper of God’s book as a condition for completing the contract.

The sultans of the kingdoms and ancient sultans gave the jurists, scholars and the memorizers of the Noble Qur’an the highest position in the societies of that time, and these inherited traditions are still continuing in Darfur despite the changing conditions and times, although not with the same spread.

Darfur has remained since the year 1600 AD a Muslim country with a Muslim population, and the Holy Qur’an remained the common denominator between Arab and African tribes, and the ruling among them in the conflicts that arise.

And the sultans of Darfur cared about science and scholars, and knew about them the clothing of the Holy Kaaba and sending what is known at that time to the old house. Their endowments are still known in the Holy Land, the most famous of which is “wells Ali” on the road between Mecca and Medina, and Ali here is intended as Sultan Ali Dinar, one of the sultans of Darfur.

The sultans were chosen according to special qualifications, most notably the memorization of the Holy Qur’an and familiarity with Islamic law, which indicates the ability of the Qur’an in the Darfur community since ancient times.

In a previous interview with Al-Jazeera Net, the head of the Holy Quran Society in West Darfur state, Al-Bashari Al-Bashari Najm Al-Bashari said that the position of scholars and memorizers was remarkable among the sultans, and set an example by Sultan Bahr Al-Din Sultan Masalit who lived in World War II.

He explained that Sultan Bahruddin arranged for his royal council, so the first thing that came out of his house was to meet with the jurists and the memorizers of the Qur’an, then after them the leaders of the Sultanate, then listen to the complaints of the common people.