China News Service, June 30, according to the "Chicago Chinese Language Forum", on the afternoon of June 28 local time, nearly 1,000 people in Chicago held a rally in Tanjiping Park, Chinatown, and held a parade along Chinatown. People held slogans such as "We can't be silent anymore!" "Black people's lives are also fate!", shouting "No justice, no peace!" and expressed their anti-racism slogans.

  People of Chinese, Korean, Filipino, black, white and other ethnic groups participated in the parade and rally. The head of the district where Chicago Chinatown is located, Lu Hanshi and his wife, Illinois Chinese State Rep. Dr. Ma Jingyi and many overseas Chinese also participated in the parade.

  Steven Courtlet, an African-American from Witton College in Chicago, said that to participate in this parade is to oppose systematic racial discrimination, whether it is against Asian or African Americans. And everyone should continue their efforts after the march to lay the foundation for truly lasting racial equality, fairness and justice.

  Wu Changyi, chairman of the Chinatown Better Solidarity Alliance and director of the Peide Center, said that when it is unfair, it must be said, especially when Asian Americans are discriminated against because of the new crown virus. Ma Jingyi also said that we oppose discrimination against Asians, and we must also oppose racism rooted in the American system.

Many college students also actively participated in the rally. ("Chicago Chinese Forum" / Photo by David Zhang)

  Many young people joined the parade that day. A student from the University of Chicago said that the younger generation wants to change the situation where Asian young people are not too enthusiastic about politics and cannot boldly stand up for fairness and justice. This is why they participate in this parade and join together with other ethnic minorities Reasons to join this movement. "We want to speak loudly: we Asians support the struggle of Africans against discrimination and persecution!" (David Zhang)