A reporter working for CNN, Brazil, was stolen under the threat of white weapons while she was on live broadcast.

And Brazilian media said that the reporter, Bruno Macedo, was subjected to a robbery incident last Saturday, on the air, near Qantara in Sao Paulo, and she is making an intervention about the rains that knew the city and its surroundings.

Jornalista da CNN sendo assaltada ao vivo. O Brasil não é para amadores! pic.twitter.com/hh0DU0pyiv

- Carlos Jordy (@carlosjordy) June 27, 2020

As the video showed, the press did not show any resistance, and she handed over her phone to the assailant.

Later, minutes after the theft incident, the news presenter reassured viewers that the correspondence was fine and that she had not been harmed by the thief, and that she would report the matter to the police.

Bandido assalta repórter da CNN ao vivo! Com uma faca, o delinquente ameaçou a jornalista Bruna Macedo na manhã deste sábado (27) e roubou 2 celulares. Coisa que vagabundo não tem é vergonha de mostrar a cara ao vivo na tv! pic.twitter.com/BnwUVfGHFk

- Katia Sastre (@KatiaSastre) June 27, 2020