Cédric Villani and Agnès Buzyn in March 2020. - Jacques Witt / SIPA

The chalice to the dregs. Not only Agnès Buzyn and Cédric Villani witnessed Anne Hidalgo's triumph in the second round of the municipal elections on Sunday. But the official LREM candidate and the dissident walker will not even sit on the Paris council, because of their abysmal score.

Agnes Buzyn, failed to get enough votes to become a councilor in Paris, AFP learned Sunday evening from concordant sources. Agnès Buzyn "will not be on the Paris Council, she will be a borough councilor and will sit alone," said Geoffroy Boulard, the outgoing mayor of the 17th arrondissement, where the former Minister of Health appeared at the top of the list. The candidate for La République en Marche entered the campaign on February 16, after the resignation of Benjamin Griveaux, following the publication of an intimate video.

Hidalgo in an armchair

LREM dissident candidate for mayor of Paris, Cédric Villani confirmed to AFP that he had not been elected to the Paris Council, and that he was a simple borough councilor in the 14th district. "I am very proud to have been able to carry my values, my convictions to the end (...) and to have carried subjects crucial for the future of Paris, such as the expansion of the capital," declared the mathematician. , Fields medalist. "This election is also a starting point and we will continue to work tirelessly with our two elected boroughs."

The results of the municipal elections

According to estimates, Anne Hidalgo is widely in the lead, obtaining between 49.3% and 50.2% of the votes, far ahead of Rachida Dati (31.7 to 32.7%) and Agnès Buzyn (from 13.7 to 16% ). It would thus collect a hundred seats for its coalition Paris en Commun, against fifty for the LR right and from 6 to 12 only for the presidential majority.

  • Cedric Villani
  • Anne Hidalgo
  • Agnes Buzyn
  • Municipal
  • Paris