Stanislas Guerini, general delegate of La République en Marche - ISA HARSIN / SIPA

  • In several major French cities, La République en Marche has teamed up with Les Républicains in the second round of municipal elections against EELV lists.
  • However, the presidential party refutes any idea of ​​an ecological barrier.
  • LREM's positions before the second round give credence to this thesis, even if some positions have, on a local scale, been akin to such a front.

Strasbourg, Bordeaux and even Lyon. Sunday evening, a green wave swept over several major cities in France during the second round of municipal elections. Historical results which, in some cases, have one thing in common: the ecological list has imposed itself in the face of an LREM-LR alliance.

Has LREM sought to build an anti-ecological front? Asked about this point on Sunday evening on the set of France 2 , Sibeth N'Diaye, government spokesperson, assured that all this was only "nonsense". “There are places where LREM has reached out to environmental lists like in Lille [alliance refused by Les Verts]. I rather believe that there was an anti-La République en Marche front. There are places where we had no substantive political convergence with the municipal projects that were being carried out, ”justified Sibeth N'Diaye.

Same story on the side of Stanislas Guerini questioned on France Inter  this Monday. “I have never done an anti-ecological front. These are rubbish, "assured this Monday the general delegate of the Republic on the march.

. @ StanGuerini: "I have never done an anti-ecological front, they are rubbish [...] I assume in this election to have wanted to continue to overcome the cleavages" # municipale2020 # le79inter pic.twitter .com / QkgMdMlJwT

- France Inter (@franceinter) June 29, 2020


Officially, La République en Marche has never called for a confrontation in the second round against the environmental lists.

In several major cities, the presidential party often allied with LR in the second round to counter the environmentalists. With two different cases: agreements disapproved by the party, as in Clermont-Ferrand, but especially in Lyon. The alliance between Gérard Collomb and LR, Yann Cucherat had justified it by the "fear of watermelon" - green on the outside, red on the inside, in an interview given on June 18 at 20 Minutes . “Entrusting this city and this metropolis to rebellious France, the Communist Party and the Greens, that scares me. We can clearly see that the Lyon economic fabric, which until now has never taken a position, is beginning to fear the arrival of the Greens who are rebellious to power, ”declared candidate LREM.

An anti-ecological front disapproved by Stanislas Guerini who, in a scathing press release published on May 29, had castigated the alliance. "By choosing to ally himself with Les Républicains with the blessing of Laurent Wauquiez rather than working to bring our political family together, Gérard Collomb crosses a red line. I cannot condone such a political agreement. "

A position reiterated at the beginning of June by the National Investiture Commission of LREM: “In Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand, Châtillon, Colombes or Bezons, we oppose the second round strategic choices in the name of political coherence and our convictions. "

Fear of watermelon

Conversely, La République en Marche found nothing wrong with the alliances with LR in Strasbourg between Alain Fontanel and Jean-Philippe Vettel, or in Bordeaux between Nicolas Florian and Thomas Cazenave. To justify this astonishing union, Fabien Robert, first assistant (LR) of Nicolas Florian at the mayor mayor of Bordeaux, had not hesitated to evoke discussions in high place on June 2, also in  20 Minutes  : “Who could believe a Only moment that the government and the president of the Republic, were going to make elect a socialo-green-communist coalition in Bordeaux? This did not exist under any assumption. "

In Strasbourg, the LREM candidate Alain Fontanel denied any anti-ecological front to justify the union with LR, but modestly invoked "the political danger of dispersal".

Be that as it may, these circumstantial alliances between two rounds, wanted or not, all gave the same result: a defeat against the environmental lists.


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  • LREM
  • EELV
  • The Republicans
  • Elections
  • Fake Off
  • Municipal