Post 5G technology development Government supports domestic companies June 29, 19:24

The government has decided to support domestic companies such as NEC, Fujitsu and Rakuten Mobile in order to support the development of large-capacity communication standard 5G and the technology of the next generation. I want to compete with the leading Chinese.

The next-generation communication standards called 5G and post-5G are expected to be used not only in communication with mobile terminals such as smartphones, but also in various fields such as automated driving and factory automation.

For this reason, the government decided to support the technological development of Japanese companies in this field by utilizing the NEDO = New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization fund of 110 billion yen that was established in the supplementary budget of last year.

NEC, Fujitsu, Rakuten Mobile, etc. were selected as the support recipients, and each company was commissioned by the government to create a cloud-type backbone network, an optical fiber network that enables high-speed and stable communication, and the creation of international standards. With that in mind, we will work on the development of next-generation base stations.

According to the people involved, the total amount of support is about 70 billion yen.

Regarding 5G, Huawei in China is ahead in terms of market share and patents of base stations.

To counter this, NTT and NEC have decided to form a capital tie-up, and communication and IT companies in Japan, the U.S., and Europe have begun collaborating to create common standards. In order to deal with the risk of the above, we will support the technology development by Japanese companies.