Guest of the Grand rendez-vous on Europe 1, Cyril Dion, director and guarantor of the Citizen's Climate Convention, estimated that Edouard Philippe had shown "little enthusiasm" towards this project. 


"The Prime Minister was against this initiative from the start," said Cyril Dion, author and director of the documentary Tomorrow, guarantor of the Citizen's Climate Convention, guest of the  Grand Rendez-vous  on Europe 1. "He has said it since the beginning. He says it off. He has shown very little enthusiasm for this initiative. " 

"He seemed to assume that asking citizens for their opinion was not so much a good idea," insisted Cyril Dion. "That it was rather the role of elected officials to work on these subjects. The problem is that these elected representatives should have taken it for 30 years, do not do it and do not move forward as it should. "

He recalls in passing that estimates "from the largest French climatology laboratories" estimate global warming at + 7 ° C at the end of the century. "If the Prime Minister considers that elected officials have been doing their work on the subject for 30 years, great! Me, I think not," insisted the director.

>> Find the entire Grand Rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

If he openly criticizes the lack of support from Edouard Philippe, he also assures "not to be tender with the policy of Emmanuel Macron" either, and judges "that he should go much further."

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