Since the emergency was lifted last month in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, the number of confirmed cases per day for the new coronavirus infection (Corona19) was the second highest.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced on the 28th that there were 60 new confirmed persons.

This is a day-long break from the previous day (57), the highest number since the emergency was resolved on the 25th of last month.

On that day, more than half of the newly confirmed Tokyo residents were identified as workers or guests such as host clubs, and it is estimated that the infection spreads around entertainment establishments.

The average number of confirmed people per day in Tokyo in the last week was 53.1, which far exceeded the standard set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (20).

On this day, a total of 113 new confirmers were announced across Japan (based on NHK counting at 10:30 PM), including 60 in Tokyo and 17 in Hokkaido.

As a result, the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to 19,234, and the number of deaths was 985, the same as the previous day.

(Yonhap News, photo = Getty Image Korea)