• School, in Cdm Azzolina asked for a billion more
  • School, as we will return to class in September. Here are the guidelines
  • School, Azzolina to EU ministers: strategic sector education


June 26, 2020

Regions and Local Authorities have given the green light to the new guidelines for returning to school from September. The State-Regions conference on school has just ended. An explicit reference to physical distancing

has been included in the new draft document on the guidelines, which recalls the recommendations of the Scientific Technical Committee. "Physical distancing, understood as a yardstick between the pupils' mouths - the editors' ', remains a point of primary importance in prevention actions," reads the draft.

The new draft of the Return Plan provides for the establishment of "Conferences of services, on the initiative of the competent Local Authority, with the involvement of school managers, aimed at analyzing the critical issues of the educational institutions that insist on the reference territory of the conferences".

"The purpose - reads the draft - will be to collect requests from schools with particular reference to spaces, furnishings, construction in order to identify methods, interventions and solutions that take into account the resources available in the area in response to the needs expressed" .

At 16.30 press conference of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, with the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina, and that for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Francesco Boccia.

Boccia: very satisfied
Francesco Boccia expresses "great satisfaction", adding that "also on this occasion the loyal and strong collaboration between government, regions and local authorities has given a positive result, as happened for other key sectors (trade, local public transport , personal services and industry). The intense work of these days allows to restore confidence in the world of school: teachers, students, families, ATA staff, can look at the beginning of the next school year, trusting in an orderly and safe reopening from a health point of view. The method experimented during the critical phases of the Covid-19 emergency is proving to be useful for dealing with many open questions in our country and certainly the school is perhaps the most crucial one. I thank the Conference of the Regions, Anci, Upi and all those who have made a concrete contribution to achieve this goal: being able to reach a unity of purpose after a serious and in-depth discussion is certainly a reason for great satisfaction ".

Hope: government-local authorities agreement is a step forward
"The agreement found today between government, regions, provinces and municipalities on the guidelines for the reopening of schools is an important first step forward. Now we must continue to work together even with the maximum involvement of social forces ". So the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. "It is essential - he said - to invest huge new resources to guarantee the reopening of all schools in maximum safety. It is a fundamental objective on which the whole country must be united".

Yesterday, during the CdM, the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina asked for a billion more in view of the reopening of the schools in September, a request that agreed with the ministers present and that should fall within the new budget gap.

Gualtieri: we will give everything necessary to restart the school in safety
The Minister of the School Lucia Azzolina complains that the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri skimpy resources to the school. "He certainly did not say so," explained Gualtieri this morning in Agorà. "The resources spent on school and university are always those better spent. We have already spent 1 billion on school and we will put everything we need to start school safely", added the minister.

Flc-CGIL: changing course on precarious workers and resources
"The Italian squares that saw the FLC CGIL protagonist yesterday together with teachers, citizens and associations, ask the government for a strong signal: real and consistent commitments are needed to restart education in September in conditions of safety and above all in safeguarding the constitutional mandate of the school ". Flc-CGIL states this in a note. "This means - underlines the union - to give additional resources and staff to resume with a reduced number of pupils per class and to reverse the course on precariousness that has reached intolerable numbers in the Italian school".

"The decision to postpone the extraordinary insolvency procedure and make it more complicated than the ordinary one - points out the FLC-CGIL - is the opposite of what would be needed to give stability and didactic continuity to schools. It would instead be necessary to stabilize precarious workers with urgent mechanisms , countering the abuse of fixed-term contracts and guaranteeing the coverage of all posts and all profiles. It is necessary to cover the posts of DSGA (directors of general and administrative services) by recognizing the rights of the acting staff who have been compensating for years of personnel in the profile, playing a role that is not recognized. And yet - continues the FLC-CGIL - we must not waste the resources coming from Europe and the PON funds, give concrete support to schools with ATA staff and enhanced teachers and with interventions on school premises, and finally, it is necessary to support the school management, without unloading all the responsibilities on it. cuola, students, the right to study, safety, and respect for those who work there, this means giving 'priority to school', this is what we ask the government.