Recently, the curve around the number of confirmed cases in covid-19 in the county has increased, the region is believed to know why the numbers are going up.

- We are seeing an increasing number of positive cases, and we are linking it to increased sampling through self-tests. We do not see the same increase in health care in any case, ”says Assistant Infection Protection Doctor Gunilla Persson.

Persson points out that it is important to continue to follow the recommendations of the Public Health Authority as care is very strained at the moment.

- It's pretty crowded in the hospitals, and primary care has a lot to do, says Gunilla Persson.

Antibody tests to the municipalities are delayed

By June 25, nearly 8,000 of the region's staff had been tested for antibodies.

- We have tested close to 8000 for antibodies in the region's staff, including administrative and healthcare personnel. The next 3.5 percent have been positive for antibodies.

How are the antibody tests for the municipalities?

- We have planned to start testing the municipality's healthcare and care staff, where we have looked at recruiting staff from staffing companies, but we weigh the benefit against cost. But for the public, we can't do that because it will be a much larger group, ”says Gunilla Persson.