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June 24, 2020 There are 37,611 new mother workers who resigned during 2019. The fathers who left the place were instead 13,947. The data are those of the Labor Inspectorate (Inl) which annually updates the information on the validation of resignations and consensual resolutions of mothers and fathers. In all, we read in the Report, 51,558 orders were issued, with a "slight" increase on the previous year (+ 4%). And "as usual most - it is noted - concerned mothers". This is the case in 73% of cases.

The figures are the result of the activity of verifying the real and spontaneous will to terminate the employment relationship expressed by the worker or worker to the staff of the Inspectorate. This activity is aimed precisely at preventing layoffs disguised as voluntary resignations and at tackling the so-called 'blank release' phenomenon. In the cases reported there is therefore the 'stamp' of the INL which validated the provision in question, hearing the workers, with children under three years, and informing them of their rights as working mothers or fathers. In almost all cases, these are voluntary resignations (49 thousand). However, this does not heal the complication in reconciling the times of life with those of work. A problem that falls on women. In fact, among the reasons indicated there is precisely the difficulty of "reconciling employment with the needs of taking care of children". Difficulty registered in almost 21,000 cases and which, according to the Inspectorate's analysis, matures when there are no grandparents and other relatives in support or the cost of nursery schools or babysitting is considered too high or, again, when he finds himself in front of the refusal to welcome his son in the nest.   

It must be said, however, that the reason for the lack of connection between employment and the family is accompanied by another explanation: "the move to another company", indicated in an ever increasing number of cases (over 20 thousand in 2019) . Which could possibly suggest a transfer in companies that, at least in the eyes of the worker-parent, offer more favorable conditions than the reality from which one resigns. In addition to voluntary resignations, the other validation measures concerned resignations for just cause (1,666) which occur when the worker leaves the trunk, withdraws early from the relationship in the face of an employer default (for example because he was not paid the salary). The number of consensual resolutions is residual (884), when both parties together decide to terminate the contract.

Part-time requests accepted only in 21% of cases
Only 21% of part-time requests or job flexibility, submitted by workers with young children, were accepted. The report on the validation measures for new parents, with children under three years, of the National Labor Inspectorate notes this. In fact, out of 2,085 requests, 436 were accepted. In only two cases out of ten is the go-ahead, a minority share that could be interpreted as indicating an insufficient sensitivity on the part of employers towards conciliation needs between the role that parents play in the family and the continuation of their work.