US President Donald Trump's brother Robert has asked a New York City judge to prevent the publication of a new book that exposes secrets to the Trump family by Mary, daughter of their late older brother, Fred Trump Jr., and is expected to release next month.

The book, titled "Too much and never enough ... How has my family made the most dangerous man in the world?" - will be released on July 28.

Robert Trump asked the court to prevent the book from being published; Considering that Mary violated a secret agreement that says she signed it in connection with the legacy of her grandfather, "Fred Trump, Father."

Robert said - in a statement yesterday - that her attempt to distort family relations after all these years to reap financial profits is a farce and injustice to the memory of our dear parents.

He added that he and the rest of the family cherished a lot of "their wonderful brother the president, but Mary's deeds are a real shame."

A dark history

The publisher Simon & Schuster explained that this memoir sheds a "bright light on the grim history" of the president's family.

The publishing house explained that Mary tells a nightmare of shock and devastating relationships, and a tragic mix of neglect and abuse. In the 240-page book, the author tells of events she witnessed at her grandparents' home in New York.

The Daily Best news site reported that Mary Trump will reveal that she is the main source of a large-scale investigation into Donald Trump's finance that was previously published by The New York Times.

Secret settlement

In court papers, Robert's attorneys argue that Mary and others signed a settlement agreement in the late 1990s that included a secret clause expressly stating that they would not publish anything related to litigation or their relationships, unless they all agreed.

The settlement agreement relates to the heirs of Donald Trump's father, real estate developer New York "Fred Trump Sr.". Court papers say "secrecy was essential to a settlement."

Robert Trump argues that publishing the book is prohibited under the settlement agreement reached in 2001, and he never agreed to the publication.

The online description of the book says that author Mary explains how certain events and general family patterns created the "destroyed" man who currently occupies the Oval Office, including the strange and harmful relationship between "Fred Trump Father" and his two older sons, "Fred Trump Jr. and Donald ".

Toxic family

The book says the book "paints a vivid and reliable picture of Donald Trump and the toxic family that made him."

The publisher adds that Mary will show "the dark history of their family to explain how her uncle was now threatening the world's health, economic security and social fabric."

It is reported that Mary's father, "Fred Trump Jr." completely moved away from his father's real estate business, working for an airline (Trans World Airlines), and became addicted to alcohol. He died in 1981 at the age of 42.

When "Fred Trump Sr." died in 1999, he deprived my two children, "Fred Trump Jr.", Mary and her brother, "Fred Trump III", from the heirs in his will, leaving only a small amount of cash.

Grandpa pitting

Mary and her brother objected to the will, and sued Donald Trump and his siblings, on the pretext that they had pitted "Fred Trump Father" against them, and forced him to change the way he recommended the distribution of his wealth.

It was a dirty battle in front of the court, Mary says: At one point Donald Trump, his brother and sister cut medical aid to the child, "Fred Trump III", who was born with severe medical problems that required expensive and intensive care.

Simon and Schuster Publishers - which yesterday released the book "The Room That Happened" by John Bolton, which the president tried to stop - expects similar success in publishing Mary Trump's book.