Demonstration of support for the nursing staff of the Nantes University Hospital, May 11, 2020. - S. Salom-Gomis / Sipa

  • The Nantes University Hospital received a lot of donations during the Covid-19 crisis. Almost 1.5 million euros, according to the unions.
  • The management would like to use part of this money to finance equipment or training planned before the crisis.
  • The unions also denounce a "lack of transparency" on the reality of donations.

On its website, the Nantes University Hospital speaks of an "incredible outpouring of generosity" in support of the teams at the public hospital. Nearly 1.5 million euros in donations were thus collected by the "Covid-19 Emergency Fund" of the Nantes University Hospital, according to hospital unions. They say they are "very grateful" for the "solidarity" expressed by various donors. They are however "very upset" against the allocation of donations decided by the direction of the CHU.

A little more than 360,000 euros would be directed towards research programs. But, according to the CFDT, FO and the CGT, the management would like to use a “significant part” of the remaining money to finance current expenses planned before the coronavirus crisis.

"Savings by picking in donations"

"It provides for purchases of personal protective equipment, to carry out training actions, or to invest in prevention and protection against Meopa gas," denounces Olivier Terrien, CGT delegate. These expenses fall under the regulatory obligations of the CHU and therefore of the State. Donations should not be used for this. They should add something extra. We are outraged. "

According to Force Ouvrière, who does not hesitate to speak of a "heist", the use of donations to finance training is all the more "unjustified" that the budget allocated to training will "not be fully spent" this year. "These expenses were planned whatever happens and it is not normal for the CHU to save money by drawing from the donations," confirms Emmanuel Renaud, secretary of the CFDT section of the CHU. In doing so, management does not respect the philosophy of the donors. "

Pay the bonus to all agents?

In unison on this subject, the three trade union organizations claim that the donations go “directly to the employees”. They suggest, in particular, that they be redistributed to the agents present during the crisis and who will not benefit from the premium of 1,500 euros granted by the Ministry of Health. “Of the 12,000 CHU staff, less than half will receive the premium as a whole. Some agents, who nevertheless gave a lot during the crisis, will only receive 500 euros ”, indignant Olivier Terrien, of the CGT.

More generally, unions complain about the “lack of transparency” of management on this subject of donations. "We ask to know the list of donors and their possible recommendations," insist the CGT and FO. “You have to fight daily to get the figures in this hospital, annoys Emmanuel Renaud. In addition, the allocation of donations should be discussed in our proceedings. "

Requested, the direction of the CHU has not, for the moment, answered us.


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  • Hospital
  • Union
  • Health
  • Nantes
  • Chu