Doctors at Ankara Medical City Hospital held a birthday party for the twin Siamese Dirman and Yigit Oversal, the first of whom were separated after nearly two years in which they were connected to the head.

The two children are undergoing physical therapy in the medical city of Ankara after their return on June 10 from Britain following a successful surgery.

In statements to reporters, before the dessert was cut, the head of the physical therapy department at the hospital, Professor Avren Yishar, expressed his great happiness in celebrating the twin birthday, which coincides with Father's Day.

"Perhaps, for the father of the two children, it is the most beautiful father’s day in his life, seeing his two children on their birthday move according to their will," said Yashar.

Yushar thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his direct supervision from the start on the medical trip for the two children.

Professor Avrin Yassir thanked Erdogan for his direct supervision from the beginning on the medical trip of the two children (Anatolia)

For his part, the father of the twins, Omar France, confirmed that his two children enjoyed good health after the operation, and praised the medical care that his two children received from the medical staff.

In turn, the mother of the two children, Fatima, said, "The first birthday of the two children was tainted by sadness, because they were stuck together, they could not move freely, and they were always under our gaze, now we thank God everything, tomorrow is better."

The Siamese twins were born in the state of Antalya (South) on June 22, 2018, connected to the head, and after the transfer of the Anatolian Agency, their health status through a special report in which I mentioned the difficulties that the newborns face in front of their parents' eyesight, the Turkish presidency paid the full costs of their treatment.

The Siamese twin treatment journey started on December 1, 2019 (Anatolia)

The Siamese twin journey began on December 1, 2019, when an Turkish Ministry of Health ambulance took them to Britain to perform the necessary surgeries at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The newborns underwent 3 extremely difficult and accurate operations, in which 42 doctors - including two Turkish doctors - participated and were successful on January 28.