US First Lady Melania Trump advises her husband, President Donald Trump, to appear more acceptable to his viewers when taking pictures or presenting himself to his guests and listeners in a proper manner, according to a book about the first lady about to come out. The new book, "The Art of Her Deal ... The Untold Story of Melania Trump," by Washington Post columnist Mary Jordan, reveals many ideas about the first lady's relationship with her husband.

The writer claims that Melania runs the theater on which the president appears, and uses her experience as a former model to help him appear slimmer and more specific.

The newspaper "Daily Best" quoted excerpts from the author as saying that, "Before taking pictures of her husband, Melania asks him to raise his chin and extend it slightly, and tells him that he can tighten and define his facial muscles by placing his tongue on the surface of his mouth." The book also mentioned that Melania asks the president to stand back further in group photos in order to appear thinner. The Daily Beast also reported that Melania installed professional lights in a room inside the White House where official photos of Trump were taken.

Melania's interventions are said to go beyond caring for the president's appearance to include official appearances as well. "At the dinner party held in 2018 for French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte, some people heard her as she instructed on Trump's actions on the stage," she says.

"The Art of Her Deal" also highlights Melania Trump's strained relationship with her stepdaughter, Ivanka Trump, and reports that she refused to move to the White House immediately after her husband was installed as president in order to renegotiate her status there.

- At the dinner party held in 2018 for French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, some heard Melania being instructed about Trump's actions on the stage.

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