An ordinary midsummer weekend means increased pressure on the roads. But 2020 is no ordinary year and no one knows in advance how the corona pandemic will affect the traffic situation.

- This is the first time we have these recommendations for events and other things. Will there be the same traffic towards, for example, the Dalarna and Siljans area. This is not known, says Bengt Ohlsson, Press Manager at the Swedish Transport Administration.

Six people die on average

Statistics over the last 25 years (1995 to 2019) show that an average of six people die in traffic during the midsummer weekend, relatively evenly distributed over the days. But there has been a decline and in recent years the number of fatal accidents has been somewhat lower.

An average of 6 people die in midsummer traffic (Thurs-Sun) based on statistics from the last 25 years. Photo: SVT Design

In 2019, five people died in midsummer traffic. This compares with the average number of deaths in traffic Thursday-Sunday throughout 2019, which amounts to 2.7 people.

- There are two main causes that cause these accidents. It's about too high speeds and driving into oncoming traffic, says Bengt Ohlsson.

The Swedish Transport Administration therefore invites midsummer travelers to choose meeting-free roads as far as possible.

Tips for avoiding accidents

Bengt Ohlsson tips on letting the trip be part of the holiday and midsummer celebration.

- That is, not in a hurry. If everyone kept the speed limits, we would save 100 more lives per year.

Another tip is to keep your distance to other traffic and to be clear about how you intend to drive.

- Then the others around you have time to react, says Bengt Ohlsson.