Amsterdam (AFP)

A Dutch art expert said Thursday that he had received recent photos of a stolen painting from Vincent van Gogh, which he said was "proof of life" of the work stolen from a museum during confinement.

The painting, "Le Jardin du presbytère de Nuenen au printemps", was stolen on March 30 from the Singer Laren Museum, near Amsterdam, then closed due to the epidemic of new coronavirus.

Thieves broke into the building's glass front door to steal the 1884 painting, estimated to be between one and six million euros, according to Dutch media.

Arthur Brand, nicknamed the "Indiana Jones of the art world" for his investigative exploits, said he received photos of the painting a few days ago from a source he does not wish to identify.

The photos, of which AFP obtained two copies, show the painting, as well as the front page of the daily New York Times of May 30 to prove the date of taking the photos.

"After three months of intensive investigation, I was given these photos. This is the first + proof of life + of the painting that we have", affirmed with AFP Mr. Brand, noting however a new scratch at the bottom of the paint.

One of the photos shows the back of the painting, which notably shows the provenance of the canvas and the history of its owners.

"There is no doubt in my mind that this is the authentic work," said the art expert, observing that with these photos, it could be that thieves are trying to find a buyer in the criminal community.

Asked by AFP whether the police had been notified, Arthur Brand simply said that he had "followed the usual channels".

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