The 150 French citizens of the Citizen Climate Convention are organizing their last working session from Friday. They will then have to transmit various proposals to the government, some of which contrast with the political line of the executive. The track of a referendum is not excluded.

It was a response to the "yellow vests" crisis, which erupted in the fall of 2018: entrust 150 French people drawn by lot to think about proposals on the climate. After nine months of work, this Citizens' Convention begins its last session on Friday. What ideas could be brought to the government on Sunday afternoon when the final report is presented? 

One of the most emblematic concerns the inclusion of the fight against global warming in the Constitution. It is far from being the only one: in total, there are 150 proposals on the table, grouped into five main themes: "lodging", "eating", "consuming", "moving", "producing and to work".

An Evin law of advertising?

For housing, the citizens involved in this ad hoc meeting propose the obligation of thermal renovation of buildings and want to encourage short circuits for food. Their proposals also include a ban on advertising for the most polluting products, along the lines of the Evin law on alcohol and tobacco. 

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Another track should not fail to be controversial: it is the lowering of the maximum speed on highways from 130 to 110 km / h. Finally, they put forward the idea of ​​a reduction in working time without loss of salary, as well as the development of telework, a practice experimented by many companies during the coronavirus health crisis.

The referendum option is on the table

Before being transmitted to the government, the proposals must be debated and voted on during this weekend of deliberation. If this stage is passed, the French could be brought to pronounce on these ideas. The members of the Citizens' Convention must indeed determine whether they wish to see some of their proposals submitted to the referendum. According to several sources close to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron is also considering organizing such a democratic meeting in the fall.