On Monday, the municipality of Arvidsjaur held talks with the union about an organizational change. Among other things, they wanted to replace about 20 pupil assistants with teachers, but during the negotiations, the trade union Municipality highlighted risk and impact assessments and the municipality chose to take back the proposal.

- We are always trying ideas to develop the school towards the national goals, this was such a negotiation and we see no prestige in it. Now we are instead seeking opportunities to further educate parts of the student assistants, says Ulrik Bylander, head of school at Arvidsjaur.

"You feel you are doing something good"

Municipal sees the outcome of the negotiations as a victory.

- When you can make such a profit for the members it gives a kick. You feel that you are doing something good and important, says Linda Lindström, chair of the Municipal in Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog.