Paris (AFP)

A painful and a "first stone" for the reform of dependency: the National Assembly examines on Monday a bill which strongly digs the "hole of the Safely" after the coronavirus, and provides for a new branch devoted to the loss of autonomy.

The two texts (organic and ordinary) on social debt and autonomy were adopted in a few hours earlier this week in committee. An express debate for colossal issues, starting with the addition of 136 billion euros of debt to the "hole of the Safely", which the French will thus repay until 2033, nine years more than expected.

This sum includes past deficits (31 billion), but also those expected for the current year (52 billion) and the following three (40 billion), as well as a third of the liabilities of hospitals (13 billion), including resumption had been announced in November.

Like the Communists or Insoumis, several opposition groups deem it "unjustified" and "absurd" to transfer the debts of the Covid-19 to the social accounts, believing that it is up to the State to bear this "burden" . A position shared by unions like Force Ouvrière or Unsa, or by the Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF).

But "we must act quickly", retorted the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, stressing that short-time working, contribution holidays and new expenses to deal with the coronavirus had caused "very strong tensions" in cash for the Safely .

He insisted on defending the "cantonment of the debt created by the Covid crisis" in a dedicated fund (Cades): "There is an urgent need to be able to guarantee [that the Social Security] can pay social benefits on time" .

A decision that will "justify future austerity measures", predicted the rebellious Caroline Fiat.

- "Big splash" -

However, the executive is preparing new expenses to cover the loss of autonomy of the disabled and the elderly.

An annual windfall of 2.3 billion euros will be recovered for this purpose from revenues intended to fill the "hole in the Safely" from 2024.

Mr. Véran saw in it "the consecration of the commitment of the President of the Republic", who had promised just two years ago, like others before him, a law on the financing of dependence.

But the socialist Boris Vallaud judged the effort "well insufficient and very late", recalling that the needs are evaluated at more than 9 billion additional by 2030.

Assuming "not to raise taxes", the minister said to defer "to a conference of funders" to find other ways by "this fall".

Without waiting for its conclusions, he praised a "historic" reform in the face of the "demographic wall" of the "papy-boom" which is coming, with a new branch of the Social Security or a new risk taken over by one of the four existing branches (disease , old age, family, work accidents).

In committee, the majority deputies (LREM, Modem, Agir ensemble) have already decided between these two options by activating the creation of a fifth branch "autonomy". The "walkers" want to entrust via an amendment its management to the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA).

Terms and funding are referred to a report in mid-September.

A decision deemed "rushed" for these reasons by the ex-LREM Delphine Bagarry (EDS group).

Opposition elected officials also invited the majority to "modesty", like Pierre Dharréville (PCF) for whom she "projects a film". Xavier Breton (LR) predicted that when the French will see that "not a euro" will be put before 2024 it will be "a big splash".

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