A firefighter. Drawing. - GILE MICHEL / SIPA

A fire that broke out in a building in a popular city of Marseille left two people dead on Sunday early in the evening and a seriously injured man, a woman in her forties, we learned from concordant sources.

Two bodies found, a woman badly burned

"The two bodies that were found on the 11th floor appear to be young," a police source told AFP, adding that they would wait for the medical examiner to examine the age of the victims.

A woman in her forties was found seriously burned one floor higher, and transported to hospital, according to the same source, confirming information from La Provence.

"A lot of destroyed apartments"

"The fire has caught on in the stairwell, smoke has destroyed a lot of apartments and pipes have melted, causing water damage", told AFP the Marseille firefighters, who hired 20 machines and 70 firefighters on this incident.

The fire broke out shortly after 6 p.m. in the city of Laurels, a very popular district located north of the city. With the help of firefighters, around fifty police officers evacuated the residents of the building, and began to relocate. Departmental security is in charge of the investigation to determine the causes of the fire.

  • Building
  • News
  • Fire
  • Marseille
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