Studies show that drug use in Sweden has increased gradually in the 2000s (except among younger teens), while alcohol and tobacco are decreasing. More and more people doubt that it is dangerous to use drugs and there is a strong opinion on the internet that wants to legalize cannabis.

In Agenda Sunday, June 14, our team meets young adults in Ronneby in Blekinge who use drugs on a Friday night. They and their friends believe that it is possible to use drugs for a party and at the same time work on everyday life. 

With the report we want to show what the drug liberal culture looks like, and also ask the users about their responsibility for the gang crime.

Want to show their faces

The main characters in the report are 25 years old and want to show their faces. They have had plenty of time to think about any consequences of not being anonymous, but want to be open with their opinions.

After the report, we interview in the studio Police Commissioner Lennart Karlsson, who is chairman of the Swedish Narcotics Police Association, and Jenny Andersson, public health strategist in Karlshamn, about drug development in Sweden and Blekinge.