US President Donald Trump said yesterday (13th) local time to resolve the conflict in a distant country is not the responsibility of the American troops.

It also warned'enemies' that if the American people were threatened, they would go into action and fight and win.

Although it is mentioned on a principled level, it is noteworthy that North Korea has recently strengthened its offensive against South Korea and the United States, tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and the possibility that the USFK will be reduced following the US-ROK reduction.

"We are restoring the fundamental principle that the duty of the US military is not to rebuild other nations, but to protect our country strongly from outside enemies," said President Trump yesterday at a New York State Military Academy West Point graduation speech. "It's coming to an end," he said.

He repeatedly emphasized, "It is not the duty of the American troops to resolve the old conflict in a distant country where many have not even heard of its name."

This reaffirms President Trump's long-standing thoughts as an extension of his pledge to bring American troops from around the world back home by advocating US priorities and neo-isolism.

In a speech, President Trump said, "I will inform our enemies." If our people are threatened, we will never hesitate to act."

He said, "If we fight from now on, we will just fight and win."

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)