
There are several people who have had pro-Japanese acts in the National Memorial Hall, but an event to move the tomb was held today (13th). Some ruling party lawmakers say they want to do so by revising the law, but the conservative opposition party is fighting against it. Listen to both comments.

Reporter Kim Yong-tae.


Today (13th), a day was held at the National Daejeon Hyeonchungwon to urge the head of the pro-Japanese mausoleum, that is, the cultivation.

Independent activist groups targeting four soldiers from the general's cemetery pointed out that they were'national officials' pro-Japaneses' included in the list released in 2009 by the Pro-General People's Action Promotion Committee.

[Min Sung-jin/Unam Kim Sung-suk Memorial Chairman: There is a contradiction between the national merit and pro-Japanese saddle. It's the wrong part.]

Some Democrats also attended to support the subtleties.

[Cho Seung-rae/Independence Democratic Party Rep.: Those of you who are here who do not agree with your Korean identity should leave here. Regardless of whether it is expressed as “famyo” or “chief”

, the amendment to the National Cemetery Law, so that Democratic Party leader Kim Byung-ki and Lee Soo-jin attended the event organized by the same group at Seoul Hyeonchungwon on the 24th of last month, to extend the cemetery of pro-Japanese factions, He even said that there is a need to create a so-called “Pro-Japanese faction bill”.

However, even within the Democratic Party, there is a disagreement that'there is no ideology in the bones', and the United Party is criticized as saying that Demyo is an anti-humanitarian deputy, so there is a lot of controversy in the future process of legislation.

In addition, even for Captain Seon-yeop Lee, who is 100 years old this year, the Democratic Party criticized the Democratic Party, saying that it was against the saddle of the post-Hyeon Choong-won as a matter of pro-Japanese behavior.

(Video coverage: Kang Yun-gu, video editing: Kim Sun-tak)